Mangalam Drugs & Organics Ltd. gives high priority for safe and clean environment.
To control water pollution and to ensure effluent generated at our manufacturing site is treated well tomeet pollution control board norms, we have provided primary and secondary effluent treatmentplants. For further treatment, we are sending our effluent to CETP, Vapi. For the treatment of high COD & high TDS streams, we are using techniques like stripping, multieffective evaporation system, etc.
To control air pollution, we have installed well designed stacks. Also we have provided secondarycondensers at various stages in production to avoid vaporization of solvents which ultimately checkspolluting air with solvent vapors. Proper devises are installed to take care of solvent storages.
Incinerable wastes are given to government approved incineration plants for incineration. We are alsoworking with various cement industries to provide them Incinerable waste which they will be using forco-processing. This helps both Mangalam and the cement industry to avoid fuel losses. This in turnultimately helps to reduce air pollution.
Other solid wastes generated are disposed off at approved TSDF sites. The company is working on innovative techniques and latest technologies which will help to reduce operating costs for treatment of wastes without adversely affecting quality of treated waste.

We are taking utmost care for personal hygiene of all the employees working. We are providing trainingon personal hygiene to all the employees, providing hygienic conditions in the premises and maintaining cleanliness of work place. Annual medical checkup camps are done to check health of all the employees. Also pre-medical examination is done for newly joined employees. First aid medicines are available round the clock and first aid trainings are given to employees.
Safety is integral part of our work culture. We are providing personal protective equipments like safetygoggles, safety helmets, safety shoes, etc. to employees and its use is compulsory. Trainings on safety, fire fighting, first aid, etc. are given to the employees. Safety mock drills are conducted on regular basisfor any emergency case. Also we are performing regular safety audits from third party.